About me

I am Gabriel Falcão, born in Manaus, Brazil. I am 27 years-old (as of 2019) and I create these languages and worlds in my spare time as a hobby. I don't do it professionally (as I am not a skilled linguistic). I speak, besides my mother tongue Portuguese, also English (duh!), Spanish, Hebrew and Greek to some extent. I've had interest in learning as much as I can on Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Semitic in order do create languages that could have evolved from these languages if different history happened to those people who speak it.
The very frist attempt I made to create a conlang was Yisrelit, using as basis my previous knowledge of Hebrew. Then I went to create Ekroneké, trying to base it on a mix between Proto-Greek, Canaanite and Ancient Hebrew (what think a Philistine language may have looked like at any point, since they are descendants from the Aegean Sea Peoples, near modern-day Greece). My third attempt is Nomaekeléet, when I try to deviate a lot from previously known languages to me - until you realise that some of the words and grammar I (very) losely based on English as a way to have some fun at the expense of the English language. The foruth attempt, still in its embrionary state, is Hiwashazulitu, an exercise of thought that I've been enterntaining myself with, that's "what whould happen if a language appeared on its own, without any previous influence?" - it might be a pretty long shot and I may make several mistakes, but, hey, that's the fun in creating constructed languages.
All of these languages are in various stages of development - none of them is anywhere near being complete.
Beyong creating languages, I also enjoy some time in creating planets and planetary systems suitable for life. I created already three planets and two planetary systems so far: Gelo and Keléshtevadáran are in the same planetary system, and Hiwashazu is located on a different planetary system altogether.
I don't create languages nor worlds on shabat, so, they're kasher (I think! he he).

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